Kılıçdaroğlu to Erdoğan: We have proven the ‘Isle of Man’, what will you do now?

News About Turkey - NAT
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Main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu spoke at the weekly group meeting of his party today (April 19).

One of the issues on his agenda was a high court ruling regarding the lawsuits for damages filed against him by President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan over his allegations about off-shore accounts in the Isle of Man.

CLICK – Court of Cassation: Saying ‘Erdoğan has money in the Isle of Man’ is not an insult

Reviewing the damages of 631 thousand lira that Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu was sentenced to pay as part of three different lawsuits, the 4th Civil Chamber of the Court of Cassation has recently overturned all rulings.

Kılıçdaroğlu previously alleged that Erdoğan and his relatives “sent money to the Isle of Man”, which is known as a tax haven.

‘Millions of dollars…’

Kılıçdaroğlu said the following about the issue today:

“Why would Erdoğan and his family do this? Do they have any conscience or morals while millions of dollars just come and go? That was what I asked, for God’s sake… Millions of dollars just come and go. So that [they] will not pay taxes to [their] own country…

“You govern the state of the Republic of Turkey; your family circles set up a firm, bring the money over so that they will not pay taxes to this state.

“Workers, public servants, everyone pay taxes. Those who make millions of liras don’t pay a single penny in tax. Those who don’t do it are the relatives, children and uncles of Erdoğan family.

“I would like to address my brothers and sisters supporting the AK Party: What does it mean to bring over millions of [dollars] and not to pay any taxes while you pay your taxes? The person who encourages this now sits at the seat of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey.

“He will now file another lawsuit, thinking that I will get afraid. You have not known me yet, my brother. I have never taken a step back in the face of anyone as long as I am right. We do not do it.”

‘Official records of the ministry’

Further in his speech, CHP’s Kılıçdaroğlu referred to the documents that he showed to prove his allegations about the “Isle of Man”:

“I said that they were all official records of banks. I said, ‘There is no need to escape here and there; if you are an honorable man, you will do the necessary.’ And he said, ‘I will step down as the President.’ […] We have proven it. What will you do? I know that they will find a thousand disguises for this. The [pro-government] pool media writes this and that. No matter what you write, all of what I say is true. Erdoğan still does not know me.

“If I say something, I certainly say it after holding its document in my hand. If I say something, it is 100 percent right. So, you sit there; you made the nation a promise, you said that you would step down as the President. Then, do the necessary now…” (AS/SD)


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