Yildirim: “Terrorists brought to the ballot box for the first time”

News About Turkey - NAT
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Former Turkish prime minister and the deputy chair of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) said on Tuesday, in regard of the coming elections on 14 May, that the “terrorist groups were brought to the ballot box for the first time, made a partner at the ballot box, and legitimized.”

While Binali Yildirim did not elaborate on his striking yet hazy remarks, he later referred to an alleged “agreement” between the opposition’s joint presidential candidate Kemal Kilicdaroglu and the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), who according to him is “the Kurdistan Workers’ Party painted in green.”

He said:

“Our opponent says, ‘Why do you say terrorists will vote for us, support us?’ They say, ‘We don’t want their support.’ Well, but why did you make an agreement with HDP if you don’t want their support? HDP is PKK [Kurdistan Workers’ Party] painted in green. HDP doesn’t have a will of its own. The PKK determines even who will be their deputies.”

Expressing his amazement at the international concern for the elections in Turkey, Yildirim said:

“These elections have strangely started concerning everyone except for Turkey. It’s difficult to understand why. Will the Americans come here and vote? Will the French, German vote? Will the ones in Qandil [Qandil Mountains where the PKK has its headquarters] vote? Will the YPG/PYD in Syria vote? They all do whatever they can to urge voter support. And who is to be supported? Mr. Kemal [Kilicdaroglu].”

Source: Gerçek News

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