Kılıçdaroğlu on popular Youtube channel: ‘Don’t worry, we will win in the second round’

News About Turkey - NAT
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Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the presidential candidate of the Nation Alliance and the president of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) answered young people’s questions on Babala TV.

Hosted on the 15th of the “Subjects Open Microphone” (Mevzular Açık Mikrofon) program where political figures respond to the questions of young people selected from among their dissentients, and who wish to address them questions, Kılıçdaroğlu talked about the second round of the presidential elections to be held on May 28.

The program, presented by Oğuzhan Uğur lasted 4 hours and 11 minutes. It was broadcast at 21:30 pm last night (May 24) and viewed by 7.9 million within 10 hours.

Uğur asked if he would resign from the CHP presidency if he “loses in the second round” to which Kılıçdaroğlu replied, “Don’t worry, we will win in the second round.”

“300 billion dollars of clean money and investment”

Kılıçdaroğlu responded to one question on the economy.

“Another thing is this 300 billion dollar. I will bring this from abroad, yes I will bring this, they only want democracy. This is clean money, not drug money. They have enacted laws eight times in order to bring the money of the drug lords. We objected, each time. If you give me your mobile number, I will send you the laws. You may say I had not seen this law. I promise I will send it to you. And not only that, in the last law that was enacted it says “The source of the money brought will never be questioned,” you can read it there. We will be bringing in 300 billlion dollars of clean money and make investments,” the runoff candidate said.



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