Jordanian Ambassador Presents Interfaith Dialogue Award to Journalists and Writers Foundation in New York

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New York – The Journalists and Writers Foundation (JWF) was honored with the Third Place Award in the United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week by Jordan’s Ambassador to the United States, Her Excellency Dina Kawar, during a ceremony held in New York. The event marked a significant moment of recognition for the foundation’s efforts in promoting peace, tolerance, and coexistence.

During the ceremony, Ambassador Kawar engaged in a meaningful discussion about the foundation’s origins and its ongoing activities. Established in 1994 under the encouragement of Fethullah Gülen, a prominent figure in initiating interfaith dialogue in Turkey, the JWF aims to implement ideals of societal peace and tolerance.

Highlighting the importance of the foundation’s mission, Mr. Mehmet Kilic from JWF presented Ambassador Kawar with two significant publications published by the Alliance for Shared Values.

The awarding of the World Interfaith Harmony Week Bronze Medal and Third Place Prize to a service-oriented organization by a Jordanian official underscores the importance of these universal values successfully promoted by Writers and Journalists Association. King Abdullah II of Jordan’s involvement in promoting these values further stresses the regional commitment to fostering inter-religious dialogue and understanding.


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