Turkish Mafia Rivalries and the Cocaine Trade: A Growing Transnational Threat in Europe

News About Turkey - NAT
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Summary by News About Turkey (NAT):

The essay provides an in-depth investigation of Turkish criminal organizations, focusing on their significant contribution to the illegal drug trade, particularly heroin and cocaine, as well as their growing involvement in violent territorial conflicts across Europe. The essay discusses a number of important topics:

  • Turkish organized crime can be traced back to the migration of the Turkish diaspora to Europe in the 1960s, which was fueled by economic struggles and opportunities for employment elsewhere. The first groups were closely related, and they worked hard to protect their cultural heritage. As successive generations struggled with integration and economic hardship, criminal activity in these neighbourhoods increased.
  • Expansion: During the 1990s, Turkish crime syndicates made a major impact on the European drug trade and organized crime. Turkey has emerged as a major player in the illicit heroin trade, notably along the well-known Balkans route, thanks to its ideal geographical location. The transit of heroin from Afghanistan to Western Europe was greatly aided by this corridor. Turkish crime syndicates dominated the trade, developing elaborate networks for distribution throughout Europe but simultaneously competing with other criminal groups of Moroccan, Albanian, and Jamaican backgrounds.
  • Internal Discord: The fierce rivalry between Turkish crime groups has led to a string of violent conflicts across Europe. Recent events, including the shootings in Chișinău, Barcelona, and London, have been linked to these confrontations between rival groups. The competition for drug trafficking routes and market domination is a major source of these conflicts’ triggers. Notably, these attacks claimed the lives of two high-profile mafia bosses, underscoring the enormous stakes involved.
    illicit commerce in drugs
  • For a long time, Turkish organized crime has had a significant impact on a large portion of the heroin trade in Europe. The majority of the supplies for this transaction come from Afghanistan and are shipped via the Balkan route. Turkish groups control almost 90% of the heroin market in the United Kingdom, indicating their considerable power. The Baybaşin family, a well-known group in the UK, is a prime example of the deep connection Turkish criminals have with the heroin trade.
  • Due to the Taliban’s recent ban on opium, the flow of heroin around the world has been disrupted, resulting in shortages across Europe. In order to compensate for the drop in their heroin earnings, Turkish criminal groups have increasingly turned to the illicit trafficking of cocaine. To speed up this illegal trade, they have formed strong relationships with gangs in Mexico and Colombia. The massive scope of the operation has come to light with the authorities’ interception of cocaine shipments in Turkey. Notable interceptions have occurred in European nations including Spain, Italy, and Greece, as well as significant seizures at ports like Mersin and Izmit and Latin American nations like Ecuador, Panama, and Colombia.
  • The massive purges that took place in Türkiye’s police force due to political scandals and the failed coup attempt in 2016 have severely limited law enforcement’s ability to combat organized crime. Dismissals of over 40,000 police officers and multiple judges created a lax environment that aided in the expansion of organized crime. Because there is insufficient law enforcement, Turkish criminal syndicates have taken advantage of this to commit crimes without being prosecuted, evade punishment, and even target their rivals.
  • Relationships with Other Illegal Activities Apart from drug trafficking: There are several additional illegal activities that are part of Turkish organized crime. These groups are involved in a wide range of unlawful activities, including the smuggling of cigarettes, the illegal trade of antiquities, the illegal trafficking of people, and the illegal trade of weaponry. Due to the continuous conflicts in Syria and Iraq, Turkey has become a hub for the smuggling of explosives and weapons. Furthermore, Turkish human traffickers have been involved in the illegal movement of people into Europe, especially from politically unstable regions.
  • Distinguished People and Contests:The article offers a thorough examination of notable members of the Turkish mafia and their unique roles in the larger criminal community.

Prominent Kurdish criminal Naji Sherifi Zindashti specializes in drug smuggling activities close to the Turkish-Iranian border. He became known for his ruthless strategies, which included destroying competitors with the help of Turkish officials and attacking opponents. His grudge against other mafia figures, such Çetin Koç and Orhan Üngan, led to a protracted and bloody feud. Zindashti’s involvement in targeted executions and his affiliation with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) highlight his enormous influence across international borders.

The Daltons Gang, infamous for its brutal tactics and involvement in international criminal activities, is led by Barış Boyun. His group has engaged in violent conflicts with other groups, which have resulted in a large number of casualties. Boyun was arrested in Italy in 2024 for his involvement in homicidal crimes and the illicit transportation and distribution of cocaine.

In May 2024, Tekin Kartal, a cocaine dealer connected to the wealthy Baybaşin family, was assassinated in Barcelona. The greater inter-gang warfare within Turkish criminal groups is what led to his demise. The Baybaşins are a powerful criminal family with a long history of smuggling drugs, especially heroin, and strong connections to Turkish law enforcement.

Also known as the “Kurdish Fox,” Rawa Majid is the head of a Swedish-based criminal organization. After gaining Turkish citizenship, he fled to Istanbul and used his connections to avoid being extradited. He is a member of a gang that has engaged in violent conflicts in Sweden, including bombs and shooting incidents. Majid’s network continues to have contacts to criminal groups in Turkey and Sweden, primarily through large-scale narcotics trafficking.

  • Safe Haven in Turkey: The increasing authoritarianism of the AKP government has created an atmosphere that is favourable to organized crime’s growth. Due to the government’s unwillingness to prosecute crimes involving powerful people and the expulsion of judges and police, Turkey has become a haven for criminals trying to elude European law enforcement. The Turkish mafia’s growing supremacy in cocaine trafficking, as well as its tight ties to government officials, pose significant challenges to worldwide anti-crime efforts.

In conclusion, Turkish mafia syndicates have a significant infiltration of European organized crime, particularly in the drug trafficking industry. Their violent territorial struggles combined with their involvement in heroin and cocaine trafficking make them a serious threat to European security. Turkish criminal syndicates are projected to maintain their dominance in transnational criminal operations due to the reduced presence of law enforcement in Turkey and their close relationships with cartels in Latin America. This will make it more difficult to tackle drug trafficking and the bloodshed that results from it.

Read the full essay here:

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