Chief Field Office

News About Turkey - NAT
3 Min Read

United Nations Children's Fund




Under the guidance of the Chief Field Operations, the Chief Field Office (CFO) is accountable for managing and leading the total programme commitment of a field office within the country programme, and ensures the leadership of the management of common premises and of the UN joint programme The CFO represents UNICEF in his/her Area of Responsibility (AoR), leads and oversees the various program sectors and operational service teams ensuring the effective planning and delivery of quality results in accordance with UNICEF’s programme of cooperation, country programme management plan and overall vision set forward by the Representative.

  • Effective management of UNICEF presence, staff and assets in the Area of Responsibility
  • Effective knowledge management systems adopted and utilized to strengthen area/country programme management.
  • Situation Analysis prepared and updated; critical programme intervention points and measures identified; strategic partnerships identified and implemented, and office action plans, recommendations and reports prepared.
  • Programme funds optimally used.
  • Programme monitoring and evaluations effectively conducted to improve programme performance and coverage, and programme status reports timely prepared.  Gender/sex disaggregated data and inputs relevant to the country programme are provided as an integral part of programming. 
  • Rights based and results based programming approach fully incorporated into all phases of programme and project processes. 
  • Commitment and institutional capacities of the national and local partners effectively established and continuously strengthened.
  • Rights perspective and advocacy at the national, community and family levels incorporated in policy analysis for establishing and elevating UNICEF’s credibility in national and international policy debates
  • Effective partnerships and collaboration achieved and maintained for advocacy, technical cooperation, programme development/management/coordination, information sharing and networking
  • Effective leadership of the UN joint programming ensured, in line with the SDG directives

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have…

Minimum requirements:


  • An advanced university degree in one of the following fields is required: social sciences, international relations, public administration, government and public relations, public or social policy, sociology, social or community development, or another relevant technical field.

Work Experience:

  • A minimum of five years of professional work experience in emergency context, programme management, planning, monitoring and evaluation, project administration or another relevant area is required.

Language Requirements: 

  • Fluency in French and English is required. 





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