T. Anthony Pollner Distinguished Professorship (Fall 2025)

News About Turkey - NAT
3 Min Read

School of Journalism

Date Posted December 30, 2024
Industry Newspapers, Magazines / Publishing, Academia
Specialty Not Specified
Job Status Not Specified
Salary Not Specified


The School of Journalism at the
University of Montana is taking applications through January 31, 2025, for the
fall 2025 T. Anthony Pollner Distinguished Professorship.

Applicants for the professorship should
have a national reputation in journalism and a keen interest in mentoring
aspiring journalists. The successful candidate will teach a course with
reporting and writing as its primary focus and work closely with the staff of
the student newspaper and website, the Montana Kaimin. The Pollner professor
also delivers a public lecture during the semester.

Recent Pollner professors have included Washington
Post enterprise reporter William Wan; 2020 National Magazine Award-winner Jacob
Baynham; Jan Winburn of CNN, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and the Baltimore
Sun; New York Times opinion writer and labor reporter Tammy Kim; “Bundyville”
podcast producer and freelance reporter Leah Sottile and former National
Geographic Executive Editor Chris Johns. Other Pollner professors include Hank
Stuever of the Washington Post; Chris Jones, a two-time National Magazine Award
recipient, and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Eli Saslow, Sally Stapleton, Tamara
Jones, John Woestendiek and Maurice Possley.

The stipend is $42,000 for the
semester-long appointment based in Missoula, Mont. Housing is provided.


 Send a letter of interest that includes
a detailed proposal for a course for junior- and senior-level undergraduates in
journalism, a resume, names and contact information of three references and
links to professional work to:


            [email protected].edu

Applications for the spring 2026 Pollner professorship,
which focuses on visual journalism or the business of journalism, will be
accepted in February 2025.

 For more information and a list of all
previous Pollner professors, go to:

 ADA/EOE/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer


When applying, mention you saw this opening listed at newsaboutturkey.com.

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Founded by a small group of Turkish/Kurdish scholars who have been subjected to persecution at the hands of the Erdogan dictatorship, News About Turkey (NAT) has emerged as a platform that is both exceptional and invaluable. Our objective is to provide you with a comprehensive and sophisticated understanding of the events and developments in Turkey (Türkiye), a country with profound historical and geopolitical importance, a vibrant culture, and a strategic location. Our founders, who have been purged by the Erdogan regime after the so-called coup attempt, are aware of the significance of journalism that is both free and independent. Because of this understanding, we are committed to providing reporting and analysis that is both objective and comprehensive. To give you the most thorough coverage of Turkey, we go further than just scratching the surface. Keep in touch with us so that you can have a better understanding of Turkey's developing story as well as vital and comprehensive news items. Whether you are a resident of Turkey, a member of the Turkish/Kurdish diaspora, or simply someone who has a strong interest in this vital country, we are the most reliable source for news that not only informs but also inspires and engages you.