Convicted crime boss calls on Turks to acquire weapons before elections

News About Turkey - NAT
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Sedat Peker, a convicted leader of a criminal organisation in Turkey, called on the public to support an alliance of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), while urging them to carry weapons  ahead of the March 31 local elections, independent news site T24 reported.

“A weapon is insurance in the hands of good people,” Peker said on Monday at the opening of a restaurant in İstanbul’s Ataşehir district.

“They are already saying that they won’t  recognise the YSK [Turkey’s Supreme Electoral Council], and they are going to have their party members and people take to the streets depending on the election results… our police and our military are strong, however, and the children of this country will also protect the streets of this nation,” the 47-year-old said. “As such, those who have the means should acquire licensed guns, shot guns, they should definitely be ready.’’

Source: Ahval News

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