Divorces İn Turkey Rose By 10.9 Pct. And Marriages Fell By 2.9 Pct. İn 2018

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 The number of couples who got married in 2018 fell by 2.9 percent to 553 thousand 202 from 569 thousand 459 in 2017, during the same period, the number of couples who got divorced rose by 10.9 percent to 142 thousand 448.

– The number of couples who got married in 2018 fell by 2.9 percent to 553 thousand 202 from 569 thousand 459 in 2017, during the same period, the number of couples who got divorced rose by 10.9 percent to 142 thousand 448.

Turkish Statistical Institute’s (TurkStat) data revealed that in 2018, crude marriage rate was 6.8 per thousand in 2018. The province with the highest crude marriage rate was Kilis with 8.55 per thousand and was followed by Adıyaman with 8.29 per thousand and Aksaray with 8.05 per thousand. The province having the lowest crude marriage rate, on the other hand, was Gümüşhane with 4.43 per thousand. Gümüşhane was followed by Bayburt with 4.91 per thousand and Kastamonu with 5.13 per thousand.

During the same period, Crude divorce rate was 1.75 per thousand. The highest crude divorce rate was seen in İzmir with 2.79 per thousand. İzmir was followed by Muğla with 2.77 per thousand and Antalya with 2.69 per thousand. The province having the lowest crude divorce rate was Hakkari with 0.16 per thousand and was followed by Şırnak with 0.28 per thousand and Siirt with 0.31 per thousand.

Mean age at first marriage was 27.8 for males and 24.8 for females in 2018. Age difference at first marriage between a male and a female was calculated as three years. The province having the highest mean age difference at first marriage was Kars with 4.5 years and was followed by Ağrı with 4.4 and Muş with 4.3 years. The province having the lowest mean age difference at first marriage was Kastamonu with 2.3 years. Kastamonu was followed by Karabük with 2.5 and ZonguldakMalatyaElazığAnkara, Hakkari, Samsun, Şırnak, Eskişehir with 2.6 years.

The number of foreign brides reached to 22 thousand 743 in 2018 and it constituted 4.1 percent of the total number of brides.  When foreign brides were analyzed by citizenship, Syrian brides took first place with 15.7 percent, Azerbaijani brides came in second with 13.9 percent and German brides were in third place with 10.9 percent.

The number of foreign grooms was 4 thousand 119 in 2018 and it constituted 0.7 percent of the total number of grooms. When foreign grooms were analyzed by citizenship, German grooms took the first place with 34.1 percent and were followed by Syrian grooms with 13.1 percent and Austrian grooms with 7.8 percent.

In 2018, 37.6 percent of the divorces occurred in the first five years of marriage and 20.4 percent of them occurred in the marriages with the duration of 6-10 years. (Table and Graph) – Istanbul

Source: Haberler

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