Turkey: A country in “Handcuffs”

News About Turkey - NAT
1 Min Read

Tayyip Erdogan has ruled Turkey for almost 20 years…

He came to power aiming to be a world leader.

And that he has … the world leader in imprisoning people…

More than one million people have been prosecuted under his authoritarian rule…

Hundreds of thousands remain behind bars…

Erdogan “handcuffed” the whole country and converted Turkey into a mass prison…

Erdogan’s Turkey is the top jailer of journalists in the world…

Erdogan’s is the home of kidnappings, tortures, police brutality, arbitrary mass detentions, media blackouts, and all kinds of oppressions on everyone who voices criticism.

And there is no let-up. Erdogan has scaled up his oppression…

As Turkey’s citizens are experiencing, Erdogan’s police are increasingly brutal…

Source:Turkish Minute

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