Palestinian-Israeli men 36 times more likely to be victim of gun violence than Jewish-Israelis

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Palestinian-Israeli men are 36 times more likely to fall victim to gun violence than their Israeli-Jewish counterparts, according to a recent report.

Israeli authorities have consistently drawn criticism for allegedly failing to tackle intra-Palestinian violence in communities in Israel [Getty]

Male Palestinian citizens of Israel are 36 times more likely to fall victim to gun violence than their Jewish counterparts, according to a new parliamentary report.

A report prepared by a Knesset Research and Information Center examined violence in Israel between 2017 and 2020.

It found that Palestinian-Israeli men aged over 25 are 36 times more likely to be shot than Jewish Israelis in the same age group.

The report added that young Palestinians are 21 times more likely to be shot than Jewish-Israelis.

Those living in a predominantly Arab area were 30 times more likely to be a victim of gun crime than those living in Jewish neighbourhoods, according to the study.

Israeli authorities have consistently drawn criticism for allegedly failing to tackle intra-Palestinian violence in communities in Israel. More than 46 Palestinian citizens of Israel have been killed since the start of 2021.

Palestinian citizens of Israel make up 20 percent of the Israeli population and face systematic discrimination. They complain of being treated as second-class citizens in comparison to their Jewish counterparts.

Large segments of the Israeli public see Palestinian citizens as a demographic threat to Israel’s “Jewish identity”, with discrimination entrenched across housing, public services, education, and employment.

Palestinian citizens of Israel are often at odds with the Israeli police – an institution they believe is taking a passive role in stopping the gun crime epidemic within their community.

Palestinian gun violence in Israel accounts for over 60 percent of all murder victims nationwide. There are more than 400,000 illegal weapons among Palestinians in Israel, despite the population being just over two million.

In May, protests broke out across areas of historical Palestine, including in the occupied West Bank, Gaza, and within Israel’s borders, against Israel’s forced expulsions of Palestinians and raids on Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque.

It led to Israel’s mixed towns seeing far-right Israelis attack Palestinians on the streets and in their homes, while attacks on Israelis and synagogues also took place.

Source: the New Arab

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