Erdoğan accepts poor performance in “the first days” and asks for people’s forgiveness in Adıyaman

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President of Justice and Development Party (AKP) and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited Adıyaman today after the February 6 earthquakes where he said “With the destroying effect of the quakes, and with the cold weather, we were not able to carry out work as efficient as we would like. I am therefore asking for your blessing,” Erdoğan said.

Erdoğan also said that they were aware of all [problems] and doing the necessary. The president promised that they will not let down any of the 70 thousand persons in Adıyaman requesting a container or assistance for house rent. He also said that they will be supporting the farmers with feed assistance and replacing dead animals with new livestock.

Many from the opposition parties and MPs responded to Erdoğan immediately and told that “they were not giving their blessing to him”.

People’s Democratic Party shared a tweet where they said that they did not give their blessing to “those who used the taxes collected for earthquakes for other purposes, those pouring millions to construction lobbies, those who caused thousands of people to freeze to death, those who use AFAD and the Red Crescent as a benefice, who grant zoning amnesties.

“You cannot evade responsibility”

Türkiye Worker’s Party (TİP) wrote “We will not give our blessing, we will settle scores.”

Ali Babacan, President of DEVA (Democracy and Progress) Party said, “Dear Erdoğan, you have to ask for blessings not from those who survived but from those who died because of your neglect. You cannot just ask for blessing and evade responsibility either,”

Babacan also wrote “How many people lost their lives for the delays in the first 48 hours?” in his tweet.

“We thought you were saying everything was under control”

Journalist Sedef Kabaş also responded to the President. She said, “We thought you were saying that you were able to go everywhere from the first day on. Everything was under control starting from the first day. We thought those who asked “Where is AFAD, where is the Red Crescent” were “wicked, mean, dishonest.”

“Why are you now saying that you were not able to carry out efficient work and asking for blessings?”

“I am not giving my blessing”

An earthquake victim, Esra Özçelik wrote:

“My dear lost her life so young, waited under the debris with her baby for days. I heard that you asked for our blessing. I am not giving my blessing.”

On February 6, two earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.7 and 7.6 struck the southern city of Maraş. The first quake in the Pazarcık district at 4.17 a.m. was followed by the second one in Elbistan about nine hours later.

The quakes affected 11 cities in Türkiye’s south and southeast, as well as Syria’s northern parts.

The official death toll from the quakes stands at over 44,000 and is expected to increase further, as over 160,000 buildings were destroyed or severely damaged, according to government figures.

Nearly two million people have been displaced due to the earthquakes.(TY/PE)


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