Prosecutor accused of evidence spoliation in killed HDP worker’s case indicts her father

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A lawsuit has been filed against Abdülilah Poyraz, the father of Deniz Poyraz, a worker of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) who was killed in an attack on the party’s provincial office last year in İzmir, western Turkey.

The indictment prepared by the İzmir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office concerns An interview Poyraz gave to Mesopotamia Agency (MA) after the murder of his daughter.

CLICK – Lawyer: Assailant tortured Poyraz before killing her

Reviewing the article after complaints, the prosecutor’s office said it had concluded that the interview

The prosecutor’s office said it had received complaints about the relevant interview and charged Poyraz for “propagandizing for a terrorist organization” because of his remarks.

The first hearing of the case will be heard on May 30 at the İzmir 15th Heavy Penal Court.

Speaking to bianet, Türkan Arslan-Ağaç, the lawyer of the Poyraz family, said the prosecutor who filed the case was also the investigating prosecutor of the case concerning the killing of Deniz Poyraz.

The prosecutor did not carry out an effective investigation into the murder, caused spoliation of evidence and prevented the revelation of the perpetrators other than the one who pulled the trigger, said the lawyer.

In the interview one day after the killing of his daughter, Poyraz had said, “My daughter is not different from those who were killed by chemicals. My daughter is not different from Sêvê, Pakize. Lokman Birlik was dragged behind a panzer. My daughter is not different from them. Deniz is the martyr of all of us. All I want from everyone is; let’s unite. Condolences to the Kurdish people, to the HDP.”

Indictment of the Deniz Poyraz case

The indictment prepared by the İzmir Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office included the finding that Gencer had confessed his crime in the WhatsApp messages after the attack and when leaving the building.

However, according to the indictment, “no one who aided before, during or after the incident or no one who incited the defendant could be found and no evidence could be obtained that he had anny connections with a terrorist organization before or after the incident.”

The indictment also to the assailant’s “diagnosis with anxiety disorder and mild depressive episodes” in 2016.

Gencer’s statement to the police that “My purpose was to harm the PKK. I began searching for the families who supported the PKK. I found the family selling coal in Bayraklı on the internet.”

According to the statement he had initially planned to attack the family at their shop on December 31, 2020, but later gave up on the plan after they told him over the phone that they would close the shop earlier than usual due to the new year’s eve.

Gencer’s statements that he had decided to attack the HDP one day before the incident and that he had shot Poyraz in the head to make sure she died were also in the indictment.

It was also stated in the indictment that Gencer, who stated that he called the phone numbers in the HDP Provincial Building when he came to reconnaissance to carry out a planned attack, but could not reach anyone, decided to attack the day before the incident.

The prosecution demanded an aggravated life imprisonment for Gencer on the charge of “premeditated wilful killing” and up to 7 years in prison on charges of “violating the immunity of workplace” and “damaging the buildings, facilities or property of the political parties or professional organizations.” (RT/VK)


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