Greece to extend border wall with Turkey

News About Turkey - NAT
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Greece has announced that it will extend the border wall with Turkey in Alexandroupoli (Dedeağaç) to prevent refugees from crossing into the country by walking.

Notis Mitarachi, the minister of migration and asylum, told Skai TV that the 25-kilometer long steel-concrete fence will be extended by 80 kilometers.

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The statement came after increasing tensions between Athens and Ankara following PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ speech at the US Congress a couple of weeks ago, where he called on the lawmakers to reject Turkey’s request to purchase new F-16 fighter jets and vowed not to accept a two-state solution in Cyprus.

His statements infuriated President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who said, “There is no person called Mitsotakis for me anymore. I refuse to meet him because we walk together with politicians who have a strong personality and who keep their promises.”

About the F-16s, he said, “I think the US will not make its decision according to Mitsotakis’ words.” (RT/VK)


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