Israeli settlers vandalise Jerusalem Palestinian cemeteries in wave of attacks

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Israeli settlers vandalised Palestinian property across the occupied West Bank early Wednesday, hours after they attacked Palestinian graves in occupied East Jerusalem.

Israeli settlers on Wednesday vandalised Palestinian property in a number of towns in the occupied northern West Bank, hours after they conducted a nighttime attack on cemeteries in occupied East Jerusalem.

Settlers snuck into Marda village, north of the West Bank city of Salfit, where they slashed tires of cars owned by Palestinians, according to the Palestinian Authority’s news agency Wafa.

The settlers spray-painted racist slogans and death threats onto the cars and house walls, Wafa reported.

In Awarta town, east of the city of Nablus, settlers axed dozens of olive trees and sprayed pesticides on others, according to Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian Authority official who monitors settler activities in the northern West Bank.

The settlers came from the illegal Itimar settlement built on stolen Awarta land, Daghlas said.

On Tuesday evening, settlers reportedly set ablaze the Bab El Rahma Cemetery in occupied East Jerusalem while Israeli authorities vandalised Palestinian graves in an Islamic cemetery nearby.

The attacks on cemeteries in Jerusalem came as Israeli settlers, backed up by security forces, attacked Palestinians around Damascus Gate, one of the main entrances to Jerusalem’s Old City.

The acts of vandalism come as Palestinian residents prepare for the annual olive harvest, which provides a key source of income for Palestinian farmers.

Israeli settlers frequently vandalise Palestinian olive farms in a deliberate attempt to stifle their revenue, commonly by setting fire to land and poisoning the trees.

Israel has occupied the West Bank illegally since 1967, committing various violations against Palestinian civilians. 

More than 600,000 Israeli Jews live in settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, in constructions considered illegal under international law.

Source: the New Arab

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